‘I don’t need lights on my bike!’ – Excuse me?!
Can you see in the dark? Do you have superpowers? And if so, can we have some of it? Joking aside and let’s be honest.
There’s no plausible reason to put yourself and others in danger and cycle without lights, is there?
Imagine the following scenario: Autumn is slowly approaching, you cycle to work in the morning, one meeting follows the next, the end of the day is a far away dream and suddenly it is much later than you had originally planned. As a result, you cycle home at dusk or, depending on the time of year, even in the dark.
Do you feel safe then? Do you feel seen? Can you see everything?

You should have good lighting at hand all year round, but especially in autumn and winter, front and rear lights should illuminate your bike. Of course, helmet lights are an absolute plus, but you can start slowly and equip your bike first 😉
Regardless of whether you are commuting or cycling for sport, the weather and therefore visibility can deteriorate unexpectedly, especially in the darker months of the year.
Light in every nook and corner
So what are the benefits of good lights on your handlebars? The obvious first: you can see the path, the road, any potholes or uneven paths on dirt tracks. Depending on the brightness of the light, you can also see really far and into the depths of the night, so you can of course better assess what is in front of you and, in the best case, the path is also constantly well lit across its entire width.
Another argument in favour of lights on the handlebars and seat post: you can also be seen from all directions. Isn’t that illuminating? You will be seen by drivers, other cyclists, animals (field and forest) and pedestrians. If your rear light also has a brake light function, it will also be clear if you have to brake abruptly, allowing the person behind you to assess the situation earlier and better.
The absolute non plus ultra is the additional helmet light already mentioned. The advantage here is simply that you have more of a static light on the handlebars, while the light on the helmet follows every movement of your head – light in the direction of vision.
Visibility and safety with SIGMA
Your safety is very important to us, which is why we make lights that make you feel safe when you’re out on the road. We also have the perfect light for every situation. Our StVZO-approved AURA series is suitable for your cockpit. The front lights are available for the handlebars, but you can also mount the AURA 100 super easily in front of your cockpit with our new AURA 100 OUT FRONT MOUNT WITH GOPRO ADAPTER to guarantee a clean look.
Our BLAZE (with brake light function), INFINITY and NUGGET rear lights can also be attached to aero seat posts in a flash thanks to their extended straps. In Germany, our BUSTER range is only approved as helmet lighting, but internationally we also have lighting for handlebars and seatposts. To ensure that you are not left in the dark because you have accidentally switched your lights off or on, all our lights are specially secured: switching on works with a double-click and to switch off, simply hold the button down a little longer.
Feel free to browse our website 😊 and #ridesafe!