ROX GPS 11.0
Product Support
Here you can find information about your product. In the “Service” tab you will find FAQs and operating instructions. In the “Accessories” tab you will find compatible accessories for your product.
Tutorial videos
Can I connect my ROX 11 with speed-, cadence- and/or heart rate transmitters?
The Rox 11 can be connected with speed-, cadence and heart rate transmitters. Optionally speed and distance can be determined via built-in GPS.
What is the top speed that can be displayed by the ROX 11?
The Rox 11 can display a maximum speed of 199.8 km/h.
Can I connect my ROX 11 with my Smartphone?
You can connect the Rox 11 with your smartphone. Therefor you need a smartphone which supports Bluetooth 4.0 and above.
ROX 11 - What is included in its package contents?
The Rox 11 can be purchased in two different variations.
In its standard version the Rox 11 comes bundled with a USB charging cable. This can also be used to transfer tour data to the DATA CENTER computer software.
Besides that, the device can be bought in a set bundled with speed-, cadence, and heart rate transmitters.
What is my bike computer’s battery life?
Model name Battery life
(years)PURE 1/ATS 1 PURE 1 ATS Sensor 1,5 BC 5.12 3 BC 8.12 3 BC 12.12 1,5 BC 14.12 ALTI 2 BC 16.12 1 BC 8.12 ATS 1 ATS speed transmitter 1 BC 12.12 STS 1 BC 16.12 STS 1 STS speed transmitter 1 STS cadence transmitter 1 BC 509 2 BC 1009 2 BC 1609 2 BC 1009 STS 1 BC 1609 STS 1 BC 1909 HR 1 BC 2209 MHR 1 BC 2209 TARGA 1 STS chest belt 1 ROX 8.0 / 8.1 1 ROX 9.0 / 9.1 1 R1 heart rate transmitter 1 On using quality batteries for one hour per day or 7,300 km per year at an average speed of 20 km/h (batteries available from SIGMA SPORT®).
How do I connect my ROX GPS 11.0 via BLE with the SIGMA LINK App?
You can find all the needed information regarding BLE-Connection in the Video-Tutorial:
How do I connect/pair the ANT + transmitter with my device?
All information about Ant + pairing can be found in our video tutorial:
Which min./max. wheel circumference can be set as value?
Wheel circumference min. 500 mm
Wheel circumference max. 3999 mm
With the ROX 12.0 GPS, even an input less than 500 mm can be adjusted.
How do I create and transfer tracks to my ROX GPS 7.0 / ROX GPS 11.0?
You can find all information about tracks in our video tutorial:
ROX 11.0 - How do I find out if I have the latest firmware or how can I update the firmware on my device?
All information about the topic firmware update can be found in our video tutorial:
What is the maximum speed that the bike computer can display?
The speed is displayed up to 199.8 km/h with a wheel circumference set at 2,095 mm.
Welke aanspraak op garantie kan ik maken?
Een aanspraak op garantie is mogelijk bij materiaal- en fabricagefouten. Uitgezonderd van de garantie zijn batterijen, elastische banden, borstriemen van textiel zoals bijv. Comfortex, slijtdelen door commercieel gebruik of ongevallen. De aanspraak op garantie bestaat alleen, wanneer het eigenlijke SIGMA product niet zelf is geopend en alleen wanneer het aankoopbewijs overlegd kan worden.
Accessoires zijn verkrijgbaar in de SIGMA Webshop.